welcome to samseiling

Welcome to come sailing with us!
Our concept is simple:
Members have access to sailboats and crew and can sail together after having attended a saling course.
Easier access to sailing is hard to find!
- A kind of club where you sail with other people
- Simple: Meet up, plan, sail, dock and go home
- No work or costs related to maintenance
- Access to crew and skippers make sailing easy
- Already owning a boat? Get competent crew from Samseiling!
Sail weekly, every 14th day or every now and again:
easy planning with our booking calandar
Samseiling is offered in collaboration with Oslo Seilskole
Oslo Sailing School intends to make sailing and the Oslo Fjord accessible to more people, as sailing and the fjord is something which everyone should get a chance to experience and enjoy.
Oslo Sailing School, which is responsible for courses and training, we believe «Joint Sailing» is the most sensible solution to make sailing, boats and the Oslo Fjord accessible to more people.
Below you will find more information about how Samseiling works, and we welcome you to register your interest here.

probably the simplest and most social form of sailing there is
Feedback from new members
- Very exciting concept! Co-sailing is really something I’m interested in!
- The challenge was to find a boat, crew with some expertise and time for it. Samseiling is a good concept that facilitates all of this.
- I took sailing lessons at Oslo Sailing School and was impressed by the course boat. The size fit me perfectly. I see that I will be able to control this boat just fine. That is why it is great that there are similar boats in Samseiling.
- Samseiling meets my needs; I don’t have my own boat or find a crew
- I am happy to provide a boat if there is a need for it, I miss having someone to sail with.
- Finally someone who thinks differently and has found a solution for how boats can be enjoyed by more people, and how to get in touch with other sailors
A social activity shared
Sailing is a fun and social activity which requires an active, engaged crew. The more people on board, the happier we are!
We all like to have something exciting to look forward to, something fun to do once in a while or on a regular basis. Sailing is an activity that helps you relax from daily routines and chores, you’d rather gosailing in a good breeze, enjoy the beautiful fjord, learn more and chill out with others. Sailing is a breeze!
Liven up your everyday life by going sailing with us!
– it’s very social
– sailing is an adventure
– gives you sailing experience
– always someone to sail with
– access to designated boats and crew
– cruising the fjord with pleasant people
– expanded horizon and new experiences
– a highlight and a break in your everyday life
– new contacts, friends and extended network
Prices in nok for 2024
Membership Signup Fee
3 seasons membership (2024-2026)-
A one-time fee for membership for 3 seasons
Required to buy seasonal ticket or "punch card"
Can be seen as an alternative to buying a boat
AS a member, you can choose between the following:
Single trip of sailing
(For members)-
Flexible; pay per session
4 - 6 hours of sailing per session
Join a boat with available space
"Punch card" 5 sessions
(For members)-
Flexible and a good start
4 - 6 hours of sailing per session
Book yourself in when there is space
"Punch card" 10 sessions
(For members)-
Flexible and a fair bit of sailing
4 - 6 hours of sailing per session
Book yourself in when there is space
Season ticket 2024
Sailing every second week-
Sail 15 times this season
4 - 6 hours per sailing session
Fixed weekday is recommended
Premium ticket for 2024
Sailing once a week throughout this season-
Sail 33 sessions this season
4 - 6 hours per sailing session
Fixed weekday and/or flexible days
Sailing course
A beginners course of 11 hours with Oslo Seilskole-
11 hours beginnners sailing course
Sailing, seamanship, maneuvering
The course is required for members
* price per session assumes that make us of the number of times the season ticket is valid for. Note: +membership fee
If you are prevented from meeting up, you can move your sailing session to another day, in accordance with current guidelines.
Below you will find answers to the most important questions.
There may be a need for small adjustments/changes to adapt the sailing and the offer to the current situation and current experiences.
how it works
1. Sign up for a sailing course at Oslo Sailing School
(unless you’ve already taken a course)
2. Register by filling in a form to show interest
3. We’ll then check whether you fit into one or more groups in relation to desired location, weekday, possible roles on board, preferred language, age group, etc.
4. If we see that our offer of Samsailing will suit your needs and there are groups or members we think you would fit in/with, you will be offered to become a member. A user agreement regulates membership and sailing; this will be sent to you when we welcome you to become a member.
We recommend sailing regularly on a fixed day of the week if you have the opportunity, to get continuity in sailing. As you see there are different options to frequency of sailing; choose the one which suit your schedule or calendar.
For those who do not have the option to choose a fixed day, the solution is to book an available space on a boat which is going out, at least one day before you go sailing. Enrollment/booking takes place in our booking calendar, so you can join a boat at relatively short notice.
SAMSAILING is suitable for:
– adults from about 20 years of age (the average is about 35)
– people who are in sufficiently good health
– people with or without their own boat
– individuals, friends, singles, couples and colleagues
– English-language groups are set up if necessary
– those who want crew on their own boat
Boats used for joint sailing have the following characteristics:
– Length of 22 – 33 feet (+ some members’ larger boats)
– Aesthetically neat, tidy and clean
– Reliable, functional and safe
– Toilet room with door and min. 4 seats inside and outside
– The boats have a cozy indoor environment for any rainy days
– They have the necessary equipment and equipment for sailing on the fjord
The type and number of boats varies with the number of members and members’ boats. We plan to have access to approx. 5-6 boats this year.
What if you have or acquire your own boat?
If you plan to buy your own boat and want to use it for Samsailing, you are most welcome to join. The boat must satisfy the above requirements and be approved by us. You must become a member, but you do not need to buy a season ticket. You choose how often you want to have fellow sailors on board, and choose whether you want to let others manage the boat if you don’t have the opportunity to show up as planned. There may also be opportunities to rent out the boat.
We can offer the following for boat owners:
– Committed and interesting crew, useful as a deck hand etc.
– Discount on boat service (NOK 800 per hour incl. mva, up to 10 hours)
– Help with getting started with the boat if the boat is purchased with a view to using it for Samseiling
– Rental/hire of the boat, approx. NOK 400-500 per day, depending on the type of boat
who will be skipper on board?
It is important to have clever and competent skippers.
Oslo Sailing School has taught thousands of people how to sail in recent years, and can offer courses and training with follow-up for those who want to try being a skipper.
To be qualified as a skipper one must have a good understanding of all aspects of sailing, which usually requires some experience or additional training.
It is only an advantage if as many as possible can be skippers; it provides greater flexibility and more competence on board. You change who is the skipper for the day/evening if there are several qualified skippers on board.
The way to be qualified as a skipper is:
1) Attend a sailing course at Oslo Sailing School
2) Unless you have sufficient experience, you’ll gain experience through Samseiling or an extra course
3) When someone has a good enough understanding of sailing, navigation, manoeuvring and seamanship, one can try out the role as skipper with guidance from an instructor or another skipper, if needed.
4) After two or three successful sessions, you may be issued a «Day Skipper» certificate of competence from Oslo Sailing School, valid for the boat size you are familiar with or approved for by us.
If one happens to not function in the role of a skipper, you should either get more training or continue as crew.
Being a skipper is exciting and fun, and it may give you the opportunity to hire some of our boats privately. Everyone on board will in any case get good training and experience from being crew, and those who wish can, at any time, sign up for more courses to get intensive training and rise in the ranks.
Opportunities for those who have or buy a boat
If you have a seaworthy, neat sailboat with a central location along the Oslo Fjord, there may be opportunities to gain access to crew and let people from Samseiling rent your boat. If you as a member have your own boat. You can also cruise along with our boats and participates in occational regattas.

Members can look forward to:
- Lots of sailing
- get more experience
- Have someone to sail with
- having a great and social time
- Access to boats ready to set sail
- to sail in a team - share the tasks
- let others take care of maintenance
- Get to know new and nice people
- The possibility of renting a boat (applies only to trusted skippers)
Other questions and answers
How do I sign up?
Fill in the non-binding form so we can get to know a little about you and your preferences. In order to join a certain group, there must be enough people who fit well together; who have the opportunity to sail on the same day of the week and have enough things in common. The group must also have a someone who is likely to be a confident enough skipper.
When and how often can you sail or be on board?
We aim for the majority to join on fixed weekdays, i.e. every or every second Thursday.
When is the sailing season?
The season lasts from beginning of April to the end of September. During the summer holiday we need to be a little flexible, and if you loose some days due to travelling, you can catch up during autumn by sailing every noe and a again or do a double session (i.e. full Saturday).
Who do I sail with?
People who have also taken sailing lessons and want to sail more and learn more. We try to put together groups based on information people provide, so that preferences, age and gender are taken into account. It is important to have well-functioning groups where everyone thrives. Groups can possibly be changed by us if desired or needed, in order for the sailing and the groups to function as well as possible. As a sailor, you ought to be a little flexible.
We reserve the right to change groups if necessary, especially if needed to ensure that the group’s overall experience is sufficcient.
If I know or got to know someone at a sailing course, will we be able to sail together in Samseiling?
Yes, we make arrangements for this, so that the two of you (or more) can join the same boat, provided that there is space on board and there are no practical hindrances to you sailing together. (again, weekdays, sum of experience etc has to be concidered). So the same applies if you are 3 – 5 friends who take a course together and then want Samseiling together.
Where do we meet?
The most important bases is Kongen Marina in Frognerkilen in Oslo, Sandvika and Moss further south.
We’re also considering setting up sailing from other cities. All you have to do is state the desired and possible meeting location in the application form, then more boats and destinations may be set up in order to serve your needs.
Where can you sail from and to?
You normally sail a maximum of 10 nautical miles away, bearing in mind that you will also be sailing back. For those starting from Kongen Marina in Frognerkilen, this means that the following places are within reach on a normal day, depending on wind direction:
A number of islands in the inner Oslofjord, such as Hovedøya, Lindøya, Gressholmen, Langøyene, Ormøya, Skinnerbukta on Malmøya, Husøya etc.
Towards Sandvika we have islands such as Snarøya, Ostøya, Borøya, Grimsøya, Torvøya, Kalvøya, Nesøya and Brønnøya where Middagsbukta is located between Langåra and Brønnøya.
Past Nesodden we have Ildjernet and Steilene within reach, to name a few. You can also agree to only train or sail regattas in an area nearby, e.g. around some buoys at Bygdøy.
What do we do if there is too much wind?
If winds of over or around 8 m/s have been reported or will occur, we recommend staying in port, depending on the type of boat and level of experience in the group. Then you can gather on board for a nice chat, some practicing of navigation, knots and technical insight, or we can set up an alternative day if everyone in the group has the opportunity to gather again in the near future.
What kind of boat(s) are we talking about?
Boat types and sizes depend on the number of members, the skipper’s experience, and the extent to which sailing is damage-free. Apart from the concept having to be sustainable, the aim is that you’ll really enjoy being on board and have great sailing experiences.
See examples of boats used here
Who is responsible for operating the boats?
For our boats, it is Samseiling/Yacht Partner AS in collaboration with
Oslo Båtservice, which takes responsibility for operation and maintenance.
Those who have their own boat can choose whether they want to be responsible for all the boat maintenance themselves, or leave parts of the operation and maintenance to us Samseiling/Oslo Båtserivice (for a fee or settled against the rental of the boat.) There are therefore opportunities to get help with some of the maintenance on your own boat if you have a boat and make the boat available for shared sailing and/or rental through us.
What does the payment cover?
The payment will cover costs like:
– Access to boats, including: hire, purchase/financing wear and tear, loss of value, maintenance, general operation, upgrades, repairs
– Administration, including: planning, organisation, information material, marketing, customer contact, accounting, premises, salaries etc.
– Some training and follow-up of skippers to ensure that everything goes well
– Marina fee
– Service car that can move out if needed to assist if something happens
– Winter storage (and the accompanying work, conservation and preparation)
– Insurance of boats, as well as coverage of excess in the event of damage
– Fuel (and other consumables on board)
– Other things that come under general operation and maintenance
How long do I commit to joining?
The membership is valid for a three year period, meaning three seasons in a row including the one where you enroll.
In addition to membership, you typically pay for one season ticket at a time or the amount of sailing you want.
If you pause during season no. 2, you can of course buy a season ticket for the 3rd season without having to re-register.
What if you can’t show up as planned?
Then you just have to let us know at least the day before or as soon as you know you can’t come. If you give notice no later than 24 hours before the planned sailing, you will be offered to join another group with free space when it suits.
If you do not give notice, you are in danger of losing the day you do not show up, as you are in principle taking up a place on board that can be difficult to fill at short notice.
Who will be the skipper when we sail?
You or one of the other members will be the skipper (one approved by us).
If there are more potential skippers on board, the role of skipper will vary so that everyone approved will get more and more experience.
We hope everyone will aim at skippering sooner or later, so that there are enough people who can take the boats out.
What possibilities are there for renting boats privately?
Anyone who has been approved as a skipper can be offered to rent available shared-sailing boats of a suitable size for private use for trips with their own family. If you want to sail with friends, they must join Samseiling like everyone else. We want to build up a certain fleet of boats for hire, so that you as a Samseiler can take your own family on a trip outside the Samseiling, at reasonable prices.
What if someone doesn’t seem to fit in?
This is rarely a problem, but the user agreement provides an opening to suspend people who for one or more reasons do not function or fit in socially or practically in this context.
Can I withdraw after signing up?
The registration fee is not refundable. If you have bought a season ticket, you can possibly sell the rest of your sailing days to another member.
Who is behind and manages Samseiling.no?
Samseiling is offered by Yacht Partner AS, which is a sister company of Oslo Seilskole AS. With the same ownership structure and management, the companies work hand in hand to facilitate sailing and training in Oslo.
Everyone who has so far been in contact with Oslo Sailing School has had contact with general manager Gunnar M. Haldorsen, who is also general manager of Yacht Partner AS and Samseiling.no
The above answers the most important questions.
Welcome to show interest today and we’ll send you more information.